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Just a word of caution. I bought a carb from blykins that Scott built. It barely ran it was so rich. I called him multiple times and finally spoke to him. He just blew me off saying he builds lots of carbs and didn't remember building mine. It was way off. Ran 10:1 at cruise on the transition circuit and richer at WOT. I ended up having to redo all the circuits, including the Air bleeds, jets, accelerator cam, and install transfer slot restrictors. I finally got it running well, now it is almost perfect.
I don't feel blykins is responsible for this one. He offered to take it back, test it, and fix it. I think he ordered it right but Scott didn't build it to blykin's specs. I didn't send it back but learned how to adjust it myself. Now it runs great and I know how to adjust it if needed.
Not trying to run you off or take business away from blykins. He stands behind everything he does and will make it right if there is a problem. Just know not everything is 100% all the time. Don't believe in the "bolt it on and go" mantra. With these cars, there's always something.
Last edited by Texasdoc; 09-19-2018 at 11:53 AM..