Hi All , can you help....
I am building a replica of a 289 Mk111
or Sports 289 Cobra (as close as I can to COB6124) which is a UK AC built car
and am trying to find a good replica chromed AC Boot and Nose badge,
which are hard to find
All I have currently found, do not appear to be exact copies of the original parts.
I have found 2 replica badges in my search, both have a very flat bottom to the 'C'
the Left Hand one is the latest (still available and fitted to the latest AC Cars) but flatter, sharper and smaller than the
Right hand one which is from the 1990s and closer to the original.
as it is larger and sightly more rounded.
Q. Anyone know where can I get a 'Good' reproduction of the original AC badge,
thanks Steve
Replica badges...............Original Badge