Thread: Low Voltage
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Old 10-11-2018, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by fastd View Post
i probably should have mentioned this at the outset: i added an electric fuel pump, distributor and holley sniper to my system. the alternator i recently replaced is rated at 37 amps at 2000 and 58 at 6000 rpms. it would also explain why it gets worse when it gets warm (after the fan kicks in). will replace with larger alternator and report back.

sorry i didnt mention it sooner. thanks.
Unless you're hung up on the 'period correct' look, I'd strongly suggest converting to a Ford 3G alternator. They're capable of much higher output at idle and low RPM than 1G alternators, and they're not only internally regulated but the fans are internal as well.

I probably have less electrical load than you do, but I switched from a large case 1G 100 amp alternator to a 3G 130 amp alternator and haven't looked back. One of the best changes I made. BTW, you may find your system is more prone to belt slippage with a 3G due to the extra load at low engine speeds. Some people have gone to double V-belts or serpentine, but I found that using an aluminum pulley, properly adjusted, gave me enough belt grip to avoid slippage and squeal. Aluminum pulleys aren't as slick as steel pulleys, so they do a better job of grabbing the belt. I also went to a turnbuckle style adjuster that allows for easier and more precise adjustment than the old slotted bracket adjusters. Not period correct, but very functional.

Last edited by cycleguy55; 10-11-2018 at 10:40 AM..
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