Originally Posted by john4337
Those look good, but it's a safe bet they're not compliant with DOT standards. They can only be compliant as an assembly, and I believe the Hella lens/reflector combo was designed for a halogen lamp. Replacing that with an LED (or HID) light source renders it non-compliant.
To be fair, the point is probably moot. As many point out, the chances of actually being inspected and ticketed are minimal, so many run them and take their chances.
Breeze may have done a better job than most in selecting a good LED / headlamp combination, but there are a lot of AWFUL lamps out there where someone has just dropped in a cheap LED H4 replacement and ended up with headlamps that are not only brighter but produce a TON of glare for oncoming drivers.
I've seen far more bad LED setups than good.
Just my $0.02.