The brown wire should be a straight shot from were you clipped it to the ignition switch. Another brown wire then goes from that same terminal on the ignition switch to the left side screw of fuse #1. Both brown wires should always be hot. The wiring diagram I have does not tell me where that C to D plug is. But, if you heard sound, and saw light, from the wiring plug, then there will almost certainly be melting/charring or some other evidence. That buzzing/sparking can be caused by two different issues: 1) A fault to ground, such as frayed wires rubbing up against the frame of the car; or 2) Too much current going though too poor of a connection. There is no "fault" here, but you can still literally melt a wire's insulation. Take a photo of what you find and I bet Bob will recognize exactly what the plug is. He has a phenomenal memory, you know.