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My Cobra has a 1970 BOSS 302 Cleveland engine with a solid lifter cam and
lifters built in 2006 with new pistons in 2012. This thread has raised solid lifter longevity concerns so I thought I would run this by everyone to see where I stand. The block, crank, rods, heads and intake manifold are 1970 BOSS 302.
The pan is Milodon road race with windage tray. The cam is a Chrane solid
roller with duration 230/238 @ .50. Adv. duration is 280/288. Intake @ .50
opens 8.0 BTDC closes 42.0 ABDC. Max lift 107 duration 230. Exhaust opens
56.0 BBDC closes 2.0 ATDC. Max lift 117. Duration 238. Spring pressures
145 closed 345 open. Trick flow pushrods. Harland-Sharp roller rockers.
17,000 miles on engine with new pistons at 12,000. I am told heads must
be removed on this block to access lifters to check them. No bad noises
using stethoscope. Very strong engine. How radical is my cam and where do
you see my vulnerability and what can I do to mitigate future problems.
Thank you very much.