This certifies that, I the undersigned female (hereafter referred to as the
"screwee") about to enjoy sexual intercourse with
___________________________________ (hereafter referred to as the
"screwer"), I am above the lawful age of of consent, I am in my right mind
and I am not under the influence of any narcotic substances.
The aforementioned screwer need not use any force, threats, coercion or
promises to influence me.
Furthermore I, the srewee, am in no fear of him whatsoever, and do not
expect or wish to marry him, I do not know if he is married or not, and I
do not care. I am neither asleep nor drunk, I'm entering this relationship
with him because I love it and want it as much as he does. In the event
wherby I recieve the full satisfaction, which I expect, I declare in
advance the capacity and willingness to further participation as soon as
time permits. In addition, I will not act as a witness against him nor
will I file charges against him should I fall pregnant, contract a sexual
disease or feel that he is violating any legislation, moral, legal or
Signed naked before jumping into bed on this _________ day of the
__________ Month in the year of our Lord 2002.
Signature of screwee: ________________________________ Date of Birth:
_______________________________________ date of conduct: