I've been dreaming about a third light for a long while now . I am glad the OP
brought this up . I am really considering a good quality high back seat which
would be safer but kills the original look . I have had people run up on me pretty
close just to get a closer look at my car and I usually pull over and let them by .
But at a stop if someone pops you good you seriously injured and even could get
a broken neck or even death .

I got to thinking the old Corvettes and early Thunderbirds have the same
safety problem . ( I can't name all the other two seat sports cars with the
exact same issue.) . Too bad we can't have the James Bond options for
tailgaters . And for too many years now people have their heads buried in
their cell phones and it is more dangerous now than ever and my Cobra is
one car I don't want to get rear ended in ! High back seats seem to be a
wise choice IMO . And we will never be able to fix STUPID drivers .