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Not from AZ but none the less, sounds like a proof of ownership issue to resolve.
You need:
1) Copy of Death Certificate (identifying spouse if any).
If owner died Interstate (without a will)
1) Letter from probate judge naming Administrator of Estate
2) "Release of all Liens" from Administrator of Estate
If owner died with a Will:
1) Get a letter from Probate Court showing proof of appointment of Executor of the Will.
2) Get a "Release of all Liens" from Executor of Will.
Reasons for the above is for protection against any claim of ownership
or liens after your purchase. Bill-Of-Sale only is insufficient proof.
Also, it is possible DMV may require you to purchase a surety bond protecting
AZ against any claim/dispute in ownership of untitled car when titled in your name by DMV.
Last edited by Unique427; 02-17-2019 at 05:52 PM..