Originally Posted by David Kirkham
Actually it wasn't a mistake. The differential covers with the hole in the Cobra location (lower) have not been available for a long time now. The jeep covers are also much thicker so they tend to hold the back of the differential case together better than the original covers which were quite thin (they are only something like 1/16" thick). We ultimately decided to billet the covers for a variety of reasons, the most important being we were able to put the fill hole in the right location.
If anyone can figure out how the billet in the deflector I'd LOVE to hear!!!
I'm really surprised at the size of those holes???
I was amazed as well that someone could have that kind of work ethic, really makes me worry about the rest of the “roller” construction that was completed prior to purchase. I do believe however that it is the installer of the Shelby American supplied parts to complete the “roller” here in the United States by Hillbank that is the one responsible for the shoddy work ethics. This is the same chassis that I had previously started a thread on regarding knowing how to select the proper hardware for the application a while ago.
Per your inquiry on matching a deflector in the billet differential cover. Why not CNC or fold a deflector up out of sheet aluminum and then weld it in place? You have an abundance of people capable of welding aluminum. It won’t detract from the external appearance either.
How many people like seeing this much
oil plus whatever overflows out of the catch can not inside their differential while driving, this is a pint container?