Originally Posted by patrickt
Well, I can't be really sure until you retest with fuse #3 out. If everything is wired exactly as the schematics for a non-indicator light have all shown for the last 75 years, then the only positive feed that goes to the voltage regulator is coming from fuse #4. That feed from fuse #3 was only to show the indicator light and excite the VR. If you are not using the indicator light then the change in the feeds to the VR gets everything going. BUT, now that I hear that there might be wiring under there, that is on the green line, of which I am totally unaware, well that puts a new spin on the game.  Did Doug tell you where he mounted that "shunt," which sounds like it is a 10v Smiths regulator just like what you see in my pic. Yes, that would be a prime candidate for failure. 
Doug told me it's a 3/4" x 1 1/2" silver box that he tucked up between the gauges. It came with my fuel gauge from Nissonger. Since Doug wasn't familiar with the gauge, he just installed the shunt since it came in the box with the gauge. I assume it's a Smiths stabilizer.
I just pulled the steering wheel, removed the foot box fan switches, and dropped the dash to better see under there. I sure don't see it. I need to get ready to go out, but will be back at it later this afternoon.
Here's a photo of the Smiths stabilizer I pulled from Google. It's not what I was looking for, so I will look again this afternoon. Man it's a jungle of wires and connectors up there!