Guys, thanks for the replies. The reason we are looking in that area is that my wife would only be about 20-30 min away from her office, except on the rare times she would have to go into downtown. She is really sick of long commutes!
When we were last down there for a few days we deliberately made the commute during afternoon rush hour to a house we had looked at for sale in that area. Vic loved it, and said "I would really like this area to live in."
Me I'm a carpenter/contractor, been one for 30+- yrs. figure I can work most anywhere-- though now I'd sort of like to work closer to home until I decide to retire and be a "Cobra Bum" .
Was going to be a "boat bum" again but the wife decided she wanted a more land-based retirement, and boats no longer fit into her scheme of things--Loves cars though and still me

after all these years.
Would like any additional info on that area or comparable.
ps anyone interested in an offshore cruising sailboat?or a summer home on a beautiful little island in WA or both?
I've gotta get out of this rain. You all get what 300+days of sunshine--We get 300+days of rain,clouds,mist,rain, with rain breaks
Gotta go clip the webs growing between my toes