Thread: Map-able ECU
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Old 06-01-2019, 11:54 AM
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Originally Posted by olddog View Post
I think 89 was speed density. If so it doesn't have a mass air flow meter. Yes SD doesn't handle cam swaps as well.

Moats sells a quarter horse chip that will give you full access to do anything you want to your eco. The question is do you invest in 30 yr old technology or go with something new and better. Your capacitors are ready to die in your ECU. They can be replaced.

Your looking at $3000, to upgrade to a good modern fully tunable EFI.
Olddog is right about the SD units. The best performing design across all types of weather and geography (high altitude and low altitude is a Mass Air Flow (MAF) based system. It measures the mass of air flowing into the engine under all conditions and then provides the correct corresponding volume of fuel.

Olddog also hit the nail on the head in so far as what you are going to spend on an EFI system. You will be somewhere between $2500 and $4000 depending on who you pick — there is no escape. It can go higher if you attempt to cut corners. The corner cutting route will cost you money to rebuy the correct EFI components and then of course there are the damaged engine pieces you will need to replace.

If you elect to keep the old SD system it will be a continuous battle with long forgotten, early design technology that has a poor availability and a poor fit for what you are trying to do. When Detroit has to mass produce engines that meet stunningly strict emissions limits anywhere in the country at any altitude from Death Valley to the top of the highest mountain they use a MAF based fueling strategy, for a reason — it works everywhere.

Tuning software like SCT, Delta Force, HP Tuners and an enthusiast developed product called Binary Editor all require you to know the internal workings of the Ford strategy code you are using. 99.999% of the guys do not. Guess where that leaves you?

If you go with the third party systems, they at least give you a manual to document and describe their fueling logic. Just for $hits and giggles I've attached the manual for the MS3Pro-Ultimate product offering from DIY Autotune. This is the commercial version of the Bowling & Grippo Megasquirt products.

If I were faced with the choices you currently are I would look at either Pro-M Racing's EFI or the MS3Peo-Ultimate B&G EFI system and use a Pro-M MAF no matter which system. The Pro-M EFI is a Ford racing design which they have used on their factory racing efforts and it is built in the same facility that builds the OEM units. It is MAF based and has self learning capabilities to get you up and running. Here is a link to the EFI ECU page => ProM Racing EFI

You will need a MAF to measure airflow. I highly recommend the PRO-M stuff again because of product quality and PRO-M was founded by the Ford calibration engineer that pioneered the MAF based technology at Ford. This Youtube video will show you why you want their MAF, click here => Pro-M Racing MAF Voltage Signal Part 1. Here is a link to their EFI MAF page, click here =>Pro-M 80

When you are done looking at the video you will probably say wow but, so what. Here is the answer to the so what question, click here =>Pro-M Racing MAF Voltage Signal Part 2

I chose not to use the Pro-M ECU because it only supported a return style fueling system — which because of its simplicity works great for racing. On the street I wanted the benefit of a returnless system like Ford uses because it doesn't heat the fuel boiling off the light ends that add octane. In a supercharged application, like mine, octane is important to avoiding detonation and engine survival. The only aftermarket system that supports the returnless fueling model is the MS3Pro-Ultimate. Here is a link to the webpage => MS3Pro Ultimate

You sort of jumped right into the fire. Your alternative to the EFI fueling model is carbs. When you are done with the cost of a manifold, a new carb, misc hardware necessary for the install, a new electric fuel pump and regulation gizmos you are going to be 70% or more of the way to EFi pricing. Be smart, go EFI out of the box. My personal EFI preference is a returnless style EFI.

As luck would have it the MS3Pro-Ulitmate manual is too big to upload to the site hso here is the link to download it from their site, click here => MS3Pro User Manual


Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.

Last edited by eschaider; 01-19-2020 at 02:56 PM.. Reason: Fixed broken links
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