Originally Posted by Jdata
What logging software are you using telemetry again?
I use an interface I designed so we don't load the TPS or send a 12 volt pulse in to a 5 volt input. That unit connects to a Race Capture Pro MK III, the race capture sends all the data including solid state giro to a Samsung tablet running Solo Storm with blue tooth. I do not like Race Capture software, it is clumsy, full of bugs and difficult to use. Solo Storm is a breeze to use and very intuitive. It can run alone with a GPS receiver but this year I want lots more data so we are putting Race Capture in. We just pull the tablet after a run and take it out and look at what ever data we want, there are 23 channels of data recorded on every run. We are still learning how to use steering input vs yaw rate but the potential for big improvements is certainly there.