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Chaplin Needs New Name- ERA???
Well, it is done. After months of no sleep due to late nights reviewing the posts on this site, months of asking stupid questions, countless lost hours at work and a trip to Carlisle, I have finally made the decision. Just got off the phone with Peter P. and mailed my deposit check to ERA. Whew- what a relief.
I just want to say thank you to everyone for their insight, advice and patience in responding to my questions and to ERA 535 who's comments finally pushed me over the top in the decision making process.
The good news:
Now you guys don't have to listen to me ask stupid questions about replica manufacturers any more.
The bad news:
Now I will a year to ask a whole bunch of other stuipd questions.
The first wave of stupid questions:
How do I change my screen name to "ERA???" ?
Better question, how can I pass the time while I wait for deivery?
Thanks again to everyone. Your help has been invaluable.