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Superformance SCOF Summer Super Cruise
We just completed our annual Super Cruise for 2019. This year we had eleven Cobras. We met in West Bend Wisconsin, and headed directly north to Canada, Ran the northern edge of the Great Lakes into New Brunswick, then into Nova Scotia. We visited Oak Island, Niagra Falls and a host of other scenic places. In total we ran the Cobras in pouring rain, heat and the cold for a total of 4080 miles. During the event one car had an MSD failure, spare in the trunk, one had an electronic fuel pump go our, spare in the trunk. Two had to be trailered home, Blown piston, the other failed throw out bearing. All in all a fantastic trip!!!
The Cannons don't thunder, there's nothing to plunder, I'm an over forty victim of fate
Last edited by Varmit; 08-05-2019 at 02:29 PM..