Well AZ. Boy's, we were all concerned about letting the famous Mr. Karlos Bebout down, in fact so much so, some didn't show up, rather then let him, and our other PNW members down

Need less to Say surprise, surprise Mr. Bebout, was on what I assume was his (Best Behavior). But we put our best foot forward, and 7 of us, met and so enjoy this Gentleman's Company. Alright, Danr I can't tell you the whole story here, about how I ended up with new my Slabside, but it's a story not even Hollywood could write. Got a Slabside, Girlfriend and a Dog all wrap up into one

Only one cost me money right off the bat the other ones I'm sure later

Also Danr, the Green one is still not quite finished (Front Bumpers, Brake Ducts) . besides these two Cobras are so far off each edge of the spectrum (Red Slabside) for taking your best girl on a Picnic. (Green 427) for dusting off everything on the road, and scaring the local's

I like them both, who ever said you can never have too many Cobras. Karlos My friend have a safe drive the rest the trip. Cheers Mr. Rot. More of the story & (pictures) to come.