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Old 09-22-2019, 11:42 AM
olddog olddog is offline
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Originally Posted by hauss View Post
Easier = kind to your wallet and I do not agree with your master mech not knowing how to work on carbs.
Hauss I agree a carb is cheaper. I agree it takes less technical knowledge to fiddle with it until it works. I agree that a clueless person is not likely to be able to fiddle with EFI until it works. I am assuming those are the types of points you are trying to make and not trying to put words in your mouth.

I thought I knew my way around a carb, when I was a puppy. After learning how EFI works, you start seeing why you failed, back when it took a ten story building to do what the cheapest calculator will do today. You tune a carb in your garage and then take it to chassis dyno tuner, who will put a wide band O2 sensor on it. After you see see how far off you are, you will start to understand the appeal of measuring what the AFR actually is, real time. Then you will start to see why EFI is so nice to have.

Around here in Ohio, every dyno tuner I contacted is ready to handle many EFI systems. Many will work with carbs, but not all. I never found one who could only deal with carbs and does not work with EFI. Think about it. If one existed, how long could they stay in business?

Just because you do not understand something, it doesn't mean it isn't the best option. However it certainly is hard to trust what you do not understand.

Last edited by olddog; 09-22-2019 at 12:40 PM..
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