Thank you Mike, for allowing a chance for Rob (Snake Charmer) & myself, to see your Cobra (last Thur.), and having Rob, look to see what he need's to fix the windscreen, and install a top & side curtains, on your EM. The work as you know, plus the time, would be a very costly fix, I would say 40+hours, with the windscreen work maybe as much as 30+ hours by it self, (Remove dash, to get to the welds, then redrilling holes) and wiring out of the way. So I don't know how to help much more with your project. Again, It will be a costly fix. A quick heads up on (Dennison Intl.) those guy's are friends of mine, I can't afford them
, They care for multi-million dollar Ferrari's, Porsche, Vintage Race Cars, Pebble Beach Best of show winners, etc. Best of luck, Mike. If there is anything else I can do, please reach out to me, Cheers Tom.