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wheel chair accessable Cobra
Since the Bennett Cobra sits 3'+/- lower than regular Cobras, she's the perfect candidate for this fun project. 2" tubes, as opposed to standard 4" makes the cockpit floor 2" lower than standard, I don't know yet where Paul took out the other inch.
So, cut the perfectly good chassis "cross" braces, extra braces that Paul put in the door opening. Then added 1/4" plate in floor for extra support, have just regular 12 volt scissors jack to raise/lower wheelchair, no plans, all in my head.
Tomorrow, I will epoxy the door in, then cut the body for a 24"+ opening, put a piano hinge on bottom of body cut out, etc....
Albert Einstein
Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Last edited by 427SSSS; 10-24-2019 at 06:33 AM..
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