So, I had some time this week to play around with it a bit more.
The rear spring does in fact have an adjuster. Thanx for that.
Adjusting the front is pretty easy. Jack up the frame to take the weight off the springs, reach in there and turn the color. Simple.
Start by jacking up the front and adjust the collars so they are just touching the top of the springs to the mount. Put the car back on the ground and settle the suspension. Some folded plastic trash bags are slippery enough to work like greased toe plates. Check the ride height front and rear.
Adjust the ride height in the front by exactly the same amount. They might not be exactly even, and that's OK. Just lower them by the exact same amount on each side until you get the ride height you're after.
The rear is more difficult because it's not a coil over, it's a captured spring. I Adjusted mine by counting the threads on the adjuster, and making sure they were the same. That made the rear ride height pretty close side to side.
This is the rear adjuster.
These were very difficult to move. They were a little rusty, I sprayed them with PB Blaster and let them sit over night. I have these two adjuster tools made for different cars. The bottom one sort of work. The top one not at all. I ended up using a drift and a hammer.
After working with it for a while, This is where I ended up:
Ride height today:
Front- 7.00"...……. 7.375"
Rear-- 8.25"...…… 8.25"
Corner weights: Today
Front- 670#.....598#.... 72#
Rear- 679#.....670#.... 9#
Cross Weight 1277 - 48.79%
Left- 1359#... 50.25%
Rear- 1431#....52.92%
Cross- 1290#... 47.78%
Total Weight- 2704
Corner Weights: When I started (See above post)
Front- 738#.... 549#.... 189#
Rear - 591#...787# ….. 196#
Cross Weight: When I started
Left- 1329#.... 49.88%
Rear- 1378#.... 51.72%
Cross- 1139#... 42.74%
Total Weight- 2664#
It weighs a little more than when I first started because the fuel tank is full today.
Sorry about the crappy photography skills.
It's cold and snowing today, so I can't test drive it. But Saturday is supposed to be almost 70* and sunny. I'll let you know.
Am I happy with these numbers? Not sure. The OCD Racer in me tells me I need to work a little harder and do a better job. But the street car driver in me says it's fine, don't worry about . Who will win? IDK, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.