As I have only been a member since Sep. 2016, (Newbie) , but a Cobra fan my whole life, as one 8yo kid that got a 3-lap ride with the great "Ken Miles" at speed. This site has brought not only a wealth of info, parts, etc. I could have never finished my Classic Roadster without the club's help, some member wouldn't even take any money for their parts, try that in the Porsche, Corvette, etc. club's
. , but the most important thing it's brought is "Friends" We have a saying here in the PNW region of Club Cobra. "Before we had Cobra friends, now we have Friends that own Cobras" that's a huge difference right there. I now have (I believe) life long friends here, from all over the world, some I've met, other I may never. The good out weigh the bad 99.99% to .001% so 427SSSS, hang in there we're here for you. Very nice post too, Bob (Snakeeyes) Cheers Tom.