Originally Posted by jhv48
Here’s a question I get asked a lot. And usually it’s from a guy that pulls up next to me at a traffic light. “Hey, what year is that?”
So how do you truthfully answer that question in fifteen seconds while idling Loudly next to another vehicle?
I don’t have the time at the light to explain that my car was built in 2009 to replicate a 1965 vehicle while my car is exploding out of the sidepipe right next to his ear.
So, I lie and say “1965” just to avoid a shouting match. Just seems simpler.
My bad.
You answered correctly because that is the question he asked. It happened alot at gas stations. Imagine if he'd asked an you said 2009 and he called Hillbank and said "I want one of those 2009 Cobra cars". If they probe deeper about its origin and lineage and who built it and when and most of the time they get the doe-in-the-headlights look since they didn't really ask a question that required a PhD dissertation.