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Old 12-15-2019, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by olddog View Post
I have had a great life. No woman could have made a better wife for me. Two sons that would make any parent proud. A great job. I have been to Europe many times. I couldn't have asked for more. If I checked out tomorrow, I couldn't complain. I am comfortable with everything.

Friday I was sitting in a waiting room while they were running wires up my wife's spinal column. The plan is to electrically stimulate nerves to stop pain. I was sitting there and contemplating what will life be like for her when I am gone. This is what caused me to re-think everything.

Nice to hear that you are comfortable with were you are in general. I lost to close friends around high school graduation and at 18 decided that I would live my life in a way that would decrease the chance that I would be laying on my death bed saying "I wish I did this, or wished that I hadn't done that". It's good place for you to be.

Thanks for explaining further why you are at this crossroad. Some food for thought (I cannot and will not tell you what you should do, not my style), since your major concern is who would assist your wife if you were not around if you have not explored it, you wight want to see if there are any home health care agencies or volunteer services that could provide a limited amount of assistance; home health care agencies can get quite costly, so it may not be a viable option. My thinking is that if you do have the transplant is is quite possible that during your recovery period you may not be able to assist your wife, so somebody will need to be available for that.

On long term basis, unless your wife is significantly older than you, even with the transplant she will probably outlive you, so exploring options now may assist in ensuring that on a longer term basis that support is in place. I am optimistic in general and hope for the best, but plan for the worse. I imagine that you have given thought to this, so please do not get offended if I am suggesting something that you have already considered, I would rather be redundant than assume something to be true.

Good luck.

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