For years, the AZ Cobras have taken a nice drive on New Years Day and here comes another. Weather permitttttting
Meet at the Chevron Station at I17 and Carefree Hwy for a 9am blast off.
Go over through Wickenburg, up rt 93 for 45 miles.
Turn right on rt 97. Go 12-15 miles to rt 96, turn left to go to Baghdad.
Have lunch at the Main Street Diner and then head home, by way of your choice:
Backtrack the same route. OR
Go down rt 96 to rt 89, turn right at Kirkland Jct. to go through Yarnell, etc OR
Go down rt 96 to Kirkland, left on rt 10, through Skull Valley and Iron Springs to Prescott, etc.
Lots of fun driving.