It is. Once warmed up, I shifted it in and out of park a couple of times. I could feel it, but still nice and soft. A lot like my truck, and softer than my wife's Ford. I could probably have gone a step up on stall speed, maybe 3400-3600? We'll see how it performs when I get to drive it more than around the block. At the moment, I'm thinking it's perfect for my needs.
I had a Megasquirt on my FFR. And I also use Megasquirt on my race car. I bought both of them custom built from DIY. Both were installed with a custom wiring harness that I built myself. Very simple, easy to work on, and adjust. Dead nuts reliable, too.
But this is my fun street car. I want to put gas in it and drive it. I'll do routine maint once a year, and leave it at that. I want durability over light weight. For that, the stock computer and wiring harness fits the bill perfectly. Easy to tune, set once and forget. Besides, I already own them.