Originally Posted by Bud Man
All anecdotal of course, but in any event, Hi-Tech built some beautiful cars and kits, and it could be successfully argued they were the blueprint for the CSX 4000 series cars Tom worked on during his later years with Shelby-American. Wish they were still around...
Yes, it's my understanding that Shelby wanted to get in the kit car business, as there were a lot of companies making money selling 427 kits. And i believe that was the motivation for him to start producing his own kit, but, unlike many of the other kits, i think he wanted his to be structurally, or near structurally, the same as the originals. Not sure whether he contacted D'Antonio, or the other way around, but i believe the CSX4000's intially were just like the Hi-Tech kit cars.
I couldn;t remember the name earlier, but I think the co-owner of Hi-Tech was a guy named tim gunning, who remained Hi-Tech owner after D'Antonio left/sold his interest in Hi-Tech.