Originally Posted by riggsjr
Well hope to get my 2nd ride in this week with temps going up to the high 50's with still no salt on the road. Would like to get a few things done on my BDR also. I did buy a set of Quick Jacks so would like to do an inspection underneath. After my first ride a few weeks ago I did an inspection on the wind deflectors and did notice many of the hardware nuts were loose with one bolt missing an acorn nut.
I would like to mount a fire extinguisher and was wondering where most people mount them so they are out of the way. I was thinking behind the seats in the middle. Also do you mount them with sheet metal screws or thru bolt ?
Where ever you decide to mount it, make certain, when you are fully belted in, that you can reach it. If not, it's not worth having at all......Again, plan for the worst case scenario.........
Bill S.