Originally Posted by redmt
After watching the aftermath video i would have to say that excessive speed had a factor in this wreck. This probably wasn't the first time that he was "enjoying" his car. This time it seems to have caught up with him. I would guess up until the last 10 seconds or so he was having a blast! RIP.
Originally Posted by redmt
My reply wasn't to ruffle your feathers. It was a simple statement from observations. His car did not disintegrate and unfortunately kill him at 25 mph. Like you say it could have been a throttle issue. Heart attack, scratching his foot on the pedal, foot stuck between throttle and brake,,,,,, whatever it was, my statement wasn't to upset you.
Virtually 99%+ of these horrific accidents do not happen at or below the speed limit. When the car is as badly disintegrated as that one is and the vids are reportedly showing an apparent lack of respect for the road condition(s) let alone speed limits for surface roads, considering the vehicle and power level, my comments ar right in line with where they ought to be. That car did not just suddenly start to accelerate w/o the intervention of the driver.
The driver was in control (at least for a while) and he did not exercise either good or responsible judgement. This guy was a danger to innocent bystanders (which fortunately there were non in the immediate crash vicinity) and himself. Ultimately he paid the price for his bad judgement — which when you think about it, is the way it should work out. What really hurts is when an innocent bystander gets injured by someone like this, when they should not, only because they were out taking a walk on a nice day.