Bump Steer Front and Rear
1965 Kirkham 427 Roadster written back in 2005 ( I went to another site that I wrote this back in 2005 and copied it and pasted it over here where it will help more folks....)
Some of the pages maybe out of order .... so I'll edit and go thru it tomorrow.... hope it helps some folks what Bump Steer is...and how to check it and change it....
Now that we have finished the front of the car .... we need to address the rear suspension and alignment of KMP 259.....
I'm amazed at how many folks build their car and then go to a Firestone or Goodyear or Tire store and have their car alignment..... then they drive out and as long as the street is smooth....everything is OK..... but then they hit a bump or get on the power and the car get's to acting like it want to go in two different directions at one time......
You see sitting on a Alignment rack is nice but only at that ride height....and then when you hit a bump the Toe-in or out of the wheels moves and the car acts as if it has a mind of it's own....
Part of the process of building a car is to do the Bump Steer and get it right.... if you don't ...the car will change lanes on you when you do hit a bump.... that's interesting....especially when you don't turn the wheel and the car just move over a lane..... Oh boy....
Well we are going to take you thru Bump Steer of the Front & Rear suspension ....and everything applies to both ends of the car.... meaning front or rear....
Only certain folks understand this Bump Steer thing and it's not a black magic.....
The first thing you have to have is a plate to mount to the hub so you can measure moving the suspension up into bump or down into droop....