Now here is how we write down the readings we just took ..... both in bump and Droop......
Also you can see which direction the plate moved..... in or out..... this will tell us when we do the calculator ...whether to add the two numbers or subtract the two numbers.....
The Standard that you shoot for is .015" for 1" of travel in either direction.....
This is where I believe allot of folks are off just like our suspension and think that a Alignment at their local tire store will fix it.....Wrong..... Wrongggggg
If you look at my numbers they are not very good and when the suspension goes into bump toes in allot ..... to much.....
I bet their aren't 10 cars on this Webb sight that have ever gone this far...... Well now you know cause we are trying to teach you how to do Bump Steer and make your suspension allot better at handling....
Enough Soap Box.....move on....