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Old 03-22-2020, 10:35 AM
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patrickt patrickt is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2005
Cobra Make, Engine: ERA #732, 428FE (447 CID), TKO600, Solid Flat Tappet Cam, Tons of Aluminum
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Originally Posted by strictlypersonl View Post
Could someone check? I keep getting redirected.
I just checked and we're up to date on all the billing for both the site and the domain name.
The index.html file in the root will not load properly. All the htm files appear to be there. The index.html file is the file that normally looks like this:

<html lang="en-us"><head>
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<meta content="1961, 1962, 1965, 1967, USRRC, FIA, race car, roadster, replica, kit car, 427, 427sc 289 and 289FIA, GT-40s" name="keywords">
<meta content="Era Replica Automobiles is the premiere maker of roadster replicas, both the 427SC and the 289FIA. E.R.A. also makes the worlds best GT40 replica." name="description"><title>Era Replica Automobiles - Makers of the 427, 289FIA, and GT40 replicas</title>
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<h1 style="margin-top: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px;"><img title="Era Replica Automobiles - The Premier Replica!" src="img/era_script.gif" alt="Era Replica Automobiles - Extraordinary Replicas" align="middle" height="87" width="331"></h1>
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<div align="center"><i><font color="#0000a0" size="-1"><b><big>Manufacturing
Extraordinary </big></b></font></i><br>
<i><font color="#0000a0" size="-1"><b><big>Replica
Kits Since 1981</big></b></font></i><br>
<font color="#0000a0" size="-1"><big><small>in
New Britain, CT, USA &nbsp;860-224-0253<br>
E-Mail: eracars&lt;at&gt;</small></big></font></div>
<td bgcolor="#f2f2ff">
<h1><img name="quad0" src="img/quad.jpg" usemap="#quad" alt="ERA makes replicas of the original 289 Slabside, 289 FIA race car, 427 Cobra and the Ford GT40" border="0" height="246" width="730"><map name="quad"><area shape="poly" coords="239,20,193,30,184,61,192,92,200,104,214,10 0,312,121,367,90,387,71,409,73,523,67,518,49,494,4 0,482,21,384,22,347,4,260,3" href="slabside/index.htm" alt="Slabside"><area shape="poly" coords="95,96,22,100,10,138,5,168,7,220,62,227,75, 228,185,228,205,222,213,203,216,175,237,152,283,13 4,238,110,181,105" href="fia/fia.htm" alt="ERA 289FIA"><area shape="poly" coords="308,133,273,151,252,151,228,165,220,220,23 9,224,392,230,405,224,449,230,443,193,446,171,464, 155,501,146,523,140,497,95,417,96,393,101,345,118" href="gt/index.htm" alt="SORRY, BUT WE ARE NO LONGER TAKING ORDERS FOR THE ERA GT!"><area shape="poly" coords="577,93,676,82,691,82,714,96,723,157,729,22 5,611,243,463,233,449,215,451,187,461,165,494,153, 536,148,543,124" href="427/427sc.htm" alt="ERA 427 Roadster"></map>
<font color="red" face="Arial"><big><b>Click
on a car to find out more!<br>
<big><i>Sorry, but we
are no longer
taking new orders for the ERA GT.</i></big></b></big></font>
<table 2="" border="0" cellpadding="8" width="70%">
<h2 class="index">Specifications,
parts lists, options, and various kit combinations are
linked from each main page, plus a <b>lot</b>
more.&nbsp; Don't forget to check
out the
and &nbsp;<b>index</b>
of each page if you have
questions.&nbsp; We have tried to include everything you would ever
to know about our cars right on the site. &nbsp;
<p align="center"><b><i><font color="#0000ff" face="Arial, Helvetica"><font size="+3">Have
<p align="center"><font color="#ff0000"><big>*</big></font>
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="-1">Cobra",
"Shelby", "GT40", "Ford" ,
and "AC" are registered trademarks.&nbsp; <br>
<font color="#ff0000"><font size="-1"><i>E.R.A.
is in no way connected</i><i>
to the holders of these or any other rights involving the original
Ford, Shelby Cobra or AC.</i></font></font>
<tr align="center">
<td colspan="2" rowspan="1">
<div style="border-style: ridge; border-color: rgb(204, 0, 0); padding-top: 0.5em; padding-bottom: 0.5em; background-color: white; font-size: 1.2em; width: 85%;"><font color="#000099" face="Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif"><i><b>Owners
Technical Info and supplements:</b></i></font> <a href="427man/index.htm">427</a> - <a href="fiaman/index.htm">289FIA</a>
- <a href="gtman/index.htm">ERA GT</a><map name="quad"><area shape="poly" coords="203,17,177,58,199,104,310,123,329,114,356, 95,405,75,425,72,519,75,516,41,485,25,399,11,347,2 ,226,6" href="file:///E:/era2/slabside/index.htm" alt=""><area shape="poly" coords="27,103,11,140,11,154,1,175,2,191,10,234,19 5,237,209,215,211,184,216,169,245,143,288,144,276, 131,225,102,119,100" href="file:///E:/era2/fia/fia.htm" alt=""><area shape="poly" coords="221,241,216,196,233,157,297,148,335,119,42 6,122,486,138,457,157,441,186,438,218,433,235,420, 231,224,227" href="file:///E:/era2/gt/gt.htm" alt=""><area shape="poly" coords="453,235,671,242,688,237,726,221,720,141,71 3,115,697,80,683,84,631,89,547,115,520,136,475,148 ,456,186" href="file:///E:/era2/427/427sc.htm" alt=""></map>
<table border="1" cellpadding="2">
<caption align="bottom"><font color="#0000ff"><big><b>ERA
at SAAC 25!</b></big></font>
<td><img src="img/saac2.jpg" align="middle"></td>
<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="5" cellpadding="5" width="280">
<p align="center"><b><i>The
<p align="justify">Information on this site is
correct to the fullest extent of our abilities.
Era Replica Automobiles assumes no liability for any direct, indirect,
or consequential damage resulting from the information within..</p>
<table align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff" border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="4">
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Weather <br>
from WeatherUnderground</b></a></p>
<p align="center">This site was
created at ERA <br>
by Bob Putnam (eracars&lt;at&gt;
</p></td></tr></tbody></table><br><center><b><font color="#0000ff">©2019,
Era Replica Automobiles</font></b>
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Last edited by patrickt; 03-22-2020 at 10:38 AM.. Reason: Corrected the file.
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