G'Day Guys
Thanks so much for the feedback. Some great 'and surprising' information here. Just to cover off a few of the comments I can't ever see myself putting a Chevy Engine in a Cobra. To me that is sacrilege and I think if that is my only choice I would have think hard about committing that amount of money to such a project.
I must look into these recent changes in VicRoads regulations. That is also a bit of a surprise as I was only speaking to John at LJ Performance Sports Cars, The Superformance Authorised Australian Distributor' and it was he who told me of the freedoms we have here under the Club Permit scheme in terms of allowing side pipes and Roush engines. No doubt I shall be talking to him again and bring it up. I am planning to buy a turnkey so perhaps he has this sorted through his connections. I assume he has his own signatory (compliance) engineer he uses for each car he builds. I don’t know!? I can only assume John knows what he is doing
I will certainly consider the SB vs BB 427 comments made although I am leaning toward the BB for authenticity shake. I guess the best way is to wait until this bloody COVID-19 **** passes and get into the club, have a good chat with some of these good people (take a slab with me and see how I go
) and just maybe bot a couple of rides in some SBs and BBs and just see how they feel.