Originally Posted by t walgamuth
Does anybody have comments on the special bleeders which let one person bleed the brakes? Do they work well? Are they available in various threads or only one or two? I have new willwood calipers which have four bleeders per. Only the two highest will need bleeding if I understand correctly.
With 4 bleeders per caliper, it gives you the advantage of checking for any fluid contamination debris that might not come out as part of a fluid flushing procedure.
You can do this from any bleeder facing down. Any bleeder facing up is to pull or push new fluid through, and to ensure any air is bled out through the top of the caliper.
Willwood makes their calipers this way, so there is no need for "lefts and rights", and gives the customer options for front or rear mounted calipers on each wheel.
Hope that makes sense.