Well Glen … I am glad to see that Alfie is on the job keeping an eye on things, proper supervision is important.
From what little I know about the registration process you have to work with in Australia, it is a lot more complicated and involved than it is in California. It varies a bit in the US from state to state and I suspect it may be the same as well in South Australia versus the other five states. So in the long run, you are probably better off with an Australian built car, but you are a better judge of that than I am.
I do have plans to come to Australia once things settle down, it would be my first trip and I am looking forward to it. I suspect however, that by the time I get there, the motor & gearbox will have long since been installed and you will be out and about enjoying the open road
The lights look great! You better get back to work, Alfie is watching.