The hydraulic brake light switches fail on a regular basis. They also use pressure to activate the brake lights, so they take longer to light up than electronic switches (the faster, the safer). You can search this forum to see how bad the hydro switches are.
The replacement is cheap and fairly easy. This is the switch I used ($12):
All you have to do is unplug the hydraulic switch, make up some longer jumpers to run from the hydro switch wires through the foot box to the electronic switch. (I used plugs on the hydro end, so the modification could easily be reversed, in case I ever need a backup). Mount the switch, I use a 'T' bracket from Ace hardware (I know, not the fanciest for a Cobra, but it just worked so perfectly!). I had to drill out one of the holes in the bracket, but it was easy. Here's a link to some pics: