Originally Posted by CHANMADD
So what happens is the air pressure at the base of the windshield forces the middle of the screen back. That is why there is a bracket that screws into the cowl to stop the bottom of the screen moving .. Now....if you've laid the screen back ,..the more you tilt it back the more the center bottom lifts off the cowl. Mine is laid back ..it's lexan.....but I had to reshape the windshield making it deeper in the middle at the cowl...
Actually, two reasons for the windshield to break, lack of a center stiffener bar, and the lousy design of the flimsy frames available (Kirkham is working on a replacement now). Actually three reasons, some of the screws that are supplied for the windshield frame are too long, run them all the way in and they actually hit the edge of the windshield itself causing a pressure point that given the right circumstances, will cause the glass to crack from the edge inwards.
100,000+ miles of use, road and race track, and I have yet to crack one of my cobra replica windshields. Maybe I'm just lucky......
Bill S.