Originally Posted by FredG
I have been following this because like many older Backdrafts, I have DOT 3/4 for the clutch and DOT 5 for the brakes. I have no issues with my brakes so am I correct in assuming I should just leave it or am I looking at issues down the road with the DOT 5. Thanks
You've been driving it like that for years. No sense changing it now.
DoT 5 is not recommended for 2 reasons. First, it's compressible. That means you'll get a little bit of a mushy pedal. Not much you can do about that.
Second, it's hydrophobic. Any water that gets in the system will not mix with the fluid, leaving small puddles and reservoirs of water in the system. Any metal components exposed to water will oxidize. When water gets into the calipers, it will turn to steam at relatively low temps. That's bad.
The easy way to prevent that is to completely flush the system with new fluid as a routine maintenance step.
As you flush, take a close look at the fluid. If it has tiny particles in it, something ion there is rusting and heading for failure. You'll have to take the whole system apart to find it all.