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ERA #294 Clutch Problem / Recomendations ?
Lost my clutch a block from my shop. I knew my hydraulic system was weak so I expected that my Clutch Master and /or slave had let go. My car has a McLeod aluminum flywheel with an 11 inch Hayes clutch & pressure plate. Driving I felt a soft click like the master let go and then the clutch wouldn’t release. I raised it at my shop and tried to adjust the hydraulics with no luck. I decided to drive it home 20 miles and had no issues starting in 1st and shifting to 4th with no clutch release.I ordered all new clutch hydraulics from Peter and installed them today . I installed everything and bleed the system. I have right at 1/16 slave to clutch arm and close to 1 inch free travel at the pedal. Still no clutch release , I’m thinking I lost the disk or partial pressure plate ? Has anyone ever had the pivot point for the clutch arm fail and cause this ? Throw out bearing is completely quiet in our out. Lastly any clutch recommendations when the transmission comes out ? ( looking more likely by the second ) - May be time to ditch the flywheel also and go with an iron one. I don’t track the car ! Thanks for any ideas!