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Old 05-08-2020, 06:21 AM
Argess Argess is online now
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I switched from a McLeod Long Style P-P with a full organic disc to a RAM diaphragm P-P with a combination metallic/organic disc.

At first I looked at Mcleod, but the metallic side of the disc faces the flywheel, and I didn't want any damage to the flywheel thinking it might be similar to how metalized brake pads score a rotor. I'd rather replace the P-P than the flywheel....

Additionally, the organic side doesn't like heat, and the flywheel is a better heat-sink than the P-P.

So I went with RAM which has the disc sides reversed.

This is the kit I used with my Richmond Gear 5 speed, Lakewood Bell-housing, and FE:

ps: I forgot to mention in my earlier post, that if your pivot was riveted on, and the rivets weren't tight, there would be flexing and subsequent metal fatigue and the rivets could be broken.
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