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Old 05-18-2020, 04:05 PM
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Originally Posted by joyridin' View Post
Your whole argument is moot. Most of the states you are complaining about have paid more in federal taxes for years over what they received, including the state where I live. NY paid $22 billion more in 2018 than they received. Now they are asking for some money, and are getting called out. How about Kentucky that gets $148 billion more in taxes than they pay and they have their hand out wanting more?

If you are going to post political crap, at least make sure it is correct.
We are of a different opinion and while you are entitled to your opinion you are not entitled to your own facts and that does not change the fact I do not agree with your confused (if I am polite) view. For the record you are conflating a State's internal entitlement largesse and it's associated costs with federal taxes paid by the residents. Federal tax and State spending are not even remotely related.

The election to grant all manner of entitlement programs is an election made by voters in individual states. To attempt to get voters in other states to pay for your spending largesse is reprehensible. If you choose to spend like a drunken sailor that is your right. When it comes time to pay the piper, do not look at other states to underwrite that largesse. You bought it, you own it and most importantly you need to pay for it.

If you do not want to pay for your largesse cut back your bleeding heart entitlement programs. It's that simple! Don't come with your hand out asking for someone else's monies to pay for your budget excesses — you will find no sympathy from most other taxpayers, at all.


Help them do what they would have done if they had known what they could do.

Last edited by eschaider; 05-19-2020 at 10:05 AM.. Reason: Spelling & Grammar
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