Originally Posted by olddog
So that leaves "why do this with a Chevy engine when there are many roads to get there with Ford engines?
I suspect the answer is:
I know Chevy engines.
My budy, who does the work, knows Chevy engines.
Everyone I know uses Chevy engines.
I can buy a junkyard Chevy cheap.
If I may, can you kindly quell for me this paradox then.
GMs LS7 is a legitimate "427", which some may argue is a more authentic moniker than say the title "Ford". After all, the "car" wasn't made by Ford. (Shock! Horror! I know...) They (ford) merely stuffed it with thier engines, no?
Since then the car is equally (some may argue more so) known as a "427 Cobra", as compared to a "Ford Cobra". Trade marks not withstanding.
Do you protest the use of GMs LS7 with the same vigor?
They are the only readily available factory 427 crate engine, come with gobs of power, are compact and have awesome internals (including titanium) bits and pieces.
Would that not be a more fitting motor than many of the Ford variants you listed above?