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Old 06-01-2020, 04:30 AM
CobraAddict CobraAddict is offline
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Originally Posted by LoBelly View Post
Hello Andrew and welcome to the fold

I am enjoying reading about your re/search.

Cars that closely mimic the originals are high on my list of favorites too.

Because Cobras are so small/simple one or two deviations from that original layout becomes quite magnified.

Understanding of Club Permits and the freeing up of usage is now much greater than it was only a few years ago.
This and the perception (which may be reality) that 'CPS only' cars are worth less has lead most builders to pursue the ICV route.

This means that the look of many Cobras has necessarily evolved when complying with ICV rules (I'm sure you get this).

I think for a lot of builders once they've made it through the crucible of compliance re-fitting the car with another round of expensive bits (which are technically non-compliant) can wait.

Also general knowledge of the availability of things like retrofitting knock off wheels - and the willingness to swallow the expense of importing them to lift the look is relatively recent.

Anyway, I am seeing this done with a number of locally created cars and the results look great. So, if I were in your shoes I would not discount to local product too readily. I have seen a number of the Kirkhams and feel that the look of some locally produced examples is quite comparable when care is taken.

That said - if you want a complete car quickly the Superformance is an excellent choice and LJ's mods to chassis are clearly effective.

Onto your engine.

You say you want a 427 big block. The 427 'side oiler' of legend is an increasingly rare item. In the last 5 years during club runs to various places of interest I've seen 2 Merlin engines sitting unused and only one 427 FE (a cammer)

Unless you're very lucky you'll face the conundrum of compromise. Do some research on FE's. Stroker kits are available and I think the most direct path to a period correct (looking) engine will be getting a 390 and rebuilding that.

There are good choices and many builders in the states have customers in Oz.

Check out the FE Talk section of this forum.

Two other things to consider:
The nationals will be on later this year, a great opportunity to see a lot of cars and make comparisons / see what appeals to you.

Frequently there are a number of cars there for sale.

The Vic club has a great depth of knowledge and many folks will be willing to help you achieve your goals.

Some things to look at

Compare car profiles

similar with AU kits:

Good Luck

G'Day LoBelly

Thanks so much for some great advise. I look forward to these Nationals you mention and a chance to see a wide variety of Cobra's all in the one place. Lets hope this COVID drama PLAYS ITSELF OUT BY THEN.
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