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Yes the KYB 361005 does fit the stock E36 upper bearings. You will probably will need to shim the shock UP in the housing as you will most likely see vertical play after the gland retainer nut is tight. Large dia fender washers work fine for the shimming.
After I drove the car a few times the fender washers deformed to the rounded bottom edges of the strut chamber and I re-tightened the Gland nut.
I used the KYB 343144 shocks on the rear. Blue 242 lok-tite on the bottom bolt is advisable.
If you can swing it I'd spring for the Backdraft camber plates as the E36 stock style upper bearings usually 2+ deg of negative camber.
Removing / Installing the Upper retaining nut on the shock itself (above the tower) is a breeze using a Impact gun once your remove the whole McPherson Strut assy.
They have two Dia Camber plate bearings they sell depending on the Dia for your Shock rod. I seem to remember getting the 19mm (large) size for the KYB. Best ask Perry in Parts though.
Last edited by spdbrake; 06-05-2020 at 01:53 PM..
Reason: added info