You're welcome!
KYB KG5529 worked great for me.
I have a vibration too around 60mph. Turns out when I bought the pin drives, the installer rebalanced them even though they were already balanced from Vintage Wheels (and I told them not to). I hear that the wheels should be balanced with the pin drive hub attached. Not sure if Vintage does this, but I suspect they do and the rebalancing actually through off my balance. So, if you have pin drive knock offs, dont assume the wheel balance is good. There's a thread about this from spdbrake actually.
Do the steering upgrade (Thanks to spdbrake again!), and you'll notice how much better the feel is immediatley, and maybe that will help. Since yours in newer than mine, you probably wont need the Heim Joint mount (I didn't); here's the links:
Steering shafts upgrade
Can't take any credit but you should consider Speedbrakes steering upgrade.