Originally Posted by Lou1119
It is time to replace my Optima red top battery. The last time I did it I could not get it out of the compartment in the trunk. Fortunately a young fellow was able to get it out for me. Does anyone have any tips on how to remove it. I have tried battery straps but they were useless.
Hi Lou,
Couldn't sleep so did a touch of Internet research on this one! I assume you have a four sided battery box that's like an inch high or such that you're trying to clear.
Actually found the link below to a prior Club Cobra Superformance thread on the topic, if you haven't already seen that one. Much sounds similar to what you've tried, but there may be some useful thoughts.
What's the trick on lifting out the Battery?
Post #28 therein sounded interesting (if not a bit scary around the fiberglass). A basic lever theory it appears with terminal strap, wood blocks and 4' pipe. Below is that text:
"I'll chine in here in 2018. I went to O'reily's and bought the battery lift strap that hooks to the terminals. I took a 4x6 about a foot long then hooked one end of a 4 foot pipe under the strap...put the 2x6x12 near the middle of the pipe and pushed down on the far end swinging the battery up far enough to pull it out of the hole........It took about 5 seconds and no strained muscles."
Post #8 therein has another concept that may offer some thoughts, per below:
"The other was was I had about an inch on each end of the battery and I got two steel strips about 1" wide and bent the bottom ends at right angles. After working them down beside the battery I could lift each end of the batter just enough to twist the steel strips and make the bent end go under the battery. Then I just lifted the two strips and they pulled the battery up. This is much easier on the hands of you tape or pad the top part of your lifting strips."
Also, once the battery is out you may want to consider a solution to make it easier next time. Whether the grommeted hole and plate with screw in mount for jacking from below (in the above thread), moving the battery back by the wheel well like I just did on mine, a different style mount in the same location, etc.. For the short box style like I'm assuming you have, it would be slick if someone designed a hinged front edge that could be released for easy removal/install access.
Best of luck. Brent