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Old 07-07-2020, 09:06 AM
nathanmargolis nathanmargolis is offline
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Default Oil Pan

I share your pain with a 9 quart oil pan. Imagine the larger capacity does aid in keeping the motor run cooler along with the design.

Have owned my Backdraft for two years. The first month of ownership, knocked a pin hole leak from running over a chunk of cement aggregate in the street. Made it home, but had to pull pain and have welded.

About 4-5 months after that, took the Cobra to work for the first time, and ran over a rubber parking lot bump to slow down traffic in an angle to avoid damage but rolled across it just right to knock a big hole in the pan and had to be flat bedded home. Pulled pan again.

The welder was a fabricator and really good with his welding. He put a small skid pad on the front lip like you would see on dirt bikes or Jeeps. Not sure if it did the trick as I do not think nothing has hit the pan in over 18 plus months.

In my tool box, I do have some of that "bubble gum" gas tank/oil pan fix just in case this occurs again.

The low oil pans are just one of the joys of owning a Cobra. Risk vs. Reward- more reward for me.

Think about the skid pad. It works on motorcycles and Jeeps and maybe on Cobras too.
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