Originally Posted by SBSerpent
In looking closer at the Kevko OE pan, I noticed that the height dimension (8") is the same height that I currently have on my 9 qt. pan, which is the problem. However, the width on the Kevko is substantially less (narrower pan), which could be beneficial. If I am to make any progress as far as getting more clearance, then I need to do better than an 8" height.
Armando's #406 pan is a front sump that's 15" L x 7.5" D x 11.5" W. If that's not shallow enough, you can go with a 3/4 sump that's shallower, but with kick-outs to maintain capacity. Full custom pan built to fit your engine as installed in your car. When I had mine built I took careful measurements to the pan rails and had the pan built to accommodate the angle the engine installation angle. As previously noted, pan bottom is 1/4" above and parallel to bottom of frame rails. Armando's prices include matching pickup and usually a crank scraper tray as well.
This pan is for an FE, but you could have something like that for your 351: