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Best engine installers in Southern California? Rec on automatic transmission?
Hello everyone,
I’ve been following these forums for years and I’m finally ready to get my own cobra!!!
Strongly leaning toward Superformance, but have not ruled out Backdraft
Who do you guys recommend as the best engine installers in Southern California? I’m located in Los Angeles. I’m already familiar with V’s Performance and Alistair Miller. Both seem excellent, just thought I would see if you guys recommend anybody else
Due to a knee issue, I am unable to drive a manual transmission and have to stick with automatic transmission. Any advice on what automatic transmission you guys would recommend (for the few of you out there who drive with an automatic)?
I’m looking to get a small block. This car will not be tracked and I just want it to be “streetable”. Safety is very important to me, but I don’t want to regret not having enough power either.
I’m considering a 306 versus 347. I think the 427 will be too much power for me unless you guys think otherwise?
Also, will the 306 or 347 be less loud as far is sidepipe noise? I’m hoping not to disrupt my wife and children (too much) when going for an early weekend morning ride.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!