Originally Posted by mdbound2005
Thanks for all the advice gentleman
In regards to carbureted versus EFI, I was initially going to go for EFI (because I wanted less smell in my garage) until I was told the difference in smell between the two is nearly negligible nowadays and the carbureted engines are just as reliable without the need for tinkering (I would not be changing altitudes and the weather in Los Angeles never gets too hot or too cold).
The engine would be professionally installed and tuned, so I just wanted to see if you guys thought that if I would be better off with carbureted vs. EFI or whether you think the end result in drivability would be the same
The gas smell can possibly be captured with a charcoal filter in the fuel tank vent line. Remember to put a loop in it.
If you are going with a big cam, EFI is the way to go to keep the drive ability at lower RPMs. I'd recommend double collectors with O2 bungs in the headers. Some people have issues if the sensor is too far down stream. Visit GP Headers website for a visual.